Burn Baby Burn! Dave the Vitamin Guy has the two best supplements for weight loss:
CLA, (conjugated linoleic acid) has for years been the most popular non stimulant fat burner. CLA is an all natural fat that is derived from red meat. However, over the years because of the reduction in the standards in which our livestock are treated, CLA has become missing from most American diets.
For that reason CLA is very important not only for fat and weight loss, but for a litany of other health conditions that other essential fats are necessary for. Conditions such as joint lubrication, maintaining the elasticity and suppleness of the skin, and enhancing hydration by locking in minerals and electrolytes so they won’t all be lost as a result of urination, perspiration, or stress.
Incidentally, that is one of the ways CLA helps with fat and weight loss. The more hydrated you are, the more efficient your bodily functions, particularly your metabolic rate, will be. The concept is to take in good fat to get rid of the not so good fat. Cumulatively, as you take CLA your body will consolidate more lean muscle. The more muscle you accumulate, the more fat you’ll burn, particularly during exercise. Though it takes a while (usually 6-8 weeks) before most people begin to see noticeable results, CLA supplementation is a tried and true way of burning fat, accumulating more muscle, and changing the body chemistry for everyone. My feedback is 100% positive.
Caffeine supplements are my most popular stimulant fat burning products. The most popular caffeine sources are from green tea, black tea, and guarana, which is the strongest. Many products have these caffeine sources in them with other fat burning, (both stimulant and non stimulant) ingredients as well.
Caffeine is a stimulant because it can boost the body’s metabolic rate by elevating the body’s temperature and accelerating the body’s heart rate. For this reason, caffeine supplements are not for everyone. However, most people can handle moderate amounts. The scientifically proven and safe concept that most people adhere to is to take enough caffeine to elevate their body temperature a slight amount, roughly 7/10’s of one degree. Obviously, if you drink more than 1 cup of coffee a day, and have been doing it for awhile, you have acquired a higher threshold and can take higher amounts of caffeine to reach your desired effect.
Caffeine supplementation, just like CLA, is very effective. I also have a 100% positive feedback on caffeine supplements because I only recommend them to people who, after speaking with them, I have determined will reap a good benefit. Again, caffeine supplementation is not for everyone, particularly people with anxiety, prostate and/or heart issues, or may be genetically predisposed to getting high blood pressure.