Archive for the ‘Slideshow’ Category

Restaurant Review – Lefty’s Chicago Pizzeria


Pizza Hut.  Papa Johns. Dominos. (Little Caesars doesn’t even count because it’s actually cardboard); all these places are inferior! You here me? Inferior! It’s pizza like a frozen entree is a gourmet meal.  Thick crust? Pleh! Thin layer of toppings? Pleh, a weak little layer of cheese you can see the sauce breaking through because it’s not a thorough cheese coverage?  All scatter-y like tossing seeds to a flock of birds! Lame!

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Claire-ification: Spicy Thai Scale


Have you ever noticed that when you eat at a Thai restaurant and place your order, the server always asks you how spicy you’d like your food?  And they give you a scale of 0-5?  You would think, logically, that 0 would be totally mild and 1 would be some spice and 5 would be pretty hot, probably more hot than you’d really like, but you know some people order it that way and so 5 must still be at a human tolerance level.. Read more »

Restaurant Review: Shakespeare Pub & Grille


When was the last time you walked into a real authentic pub? Do you even know what that means?  Like when you’re dog tired and you need a stiff drink and a basket of chips (that’s what the English call fries).  I know the feeling.  Walking into a bar is not the same feeling at all.

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Claire-ification: Road Rage


Normally this segment would be food related but I’ve gotta get this out… When did people start always responding to your merge signal by speeding up? When did this massive shift into jerkdom take place exactly? Was this gradual?  I don’t think society would have gotten this far if it had always had this attitude.

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Was That You?: How to Make a Stinky Cheese Plate


At this point in your life it is imperative that you have a trusted cheese man, someone at a good market you can go to who knows what you like and who can recommend things for your tastes.  A cheese man- if you don’t have one, get one!

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