We’ve reviewed all kinds of places for many different reasons but never two places that both serve their food in trash cans. To be specific, one serves steamed seafood in a metal bucket and the other serves theirs in a plastic hefty bag. They may both be a bit crazy – but are they maybe a bit too right? After all, Americans pride themselves on excess, much to the chagrin of many starving nations. If there’s one thing we’re good at – it’s wasting stuff. So why not embrace it and revel in the trash heap-edness of it all, roll in it and soak in it like a hot bath.
You see, at a local San Diego favorite called “Joe’s Crabshack”, they bring you steamed oceanic critters piled high in a big metal bucket, and “The Boiling Crab” declares that the real way to enjoy total seafood surrender is to sift through a sauce-filled plastic trash bag of shrimp, crab, crayfish and garlicy steamers. Read more »