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Courtesy of Dave the Vitamin Guy:
Regarding products for masculine support, the most popular product to take is L Arginine. It is commonly referred to by many men as “a natural and safe form of Viagra.” The only people who should not use it are persons who have had herpes. L Arginine, has many great benefits but the main benefit for masculine support is enhanced circulation and blood flow. It is also probably the most important amino acid, in a complexity of many, necessary for the body to promote the production of human growth hormone naturally.
L Arginine is also the most abundant amino acid that can be found in seminal fluid. When men express their concerns about low fertility, L Arginine is usually the first supplement recommended.
Maca is also a great supplement for men who are looking to keep their pencils sharp. Maca is known as being a great energy supplement also. It is an adaptogen, which means that it has a great ability to recognize and make adjustments to whatever imbalances may be going on in the body. It is wonderful for its positive impact on the adrenal glands in helping men deal with stress, be it emotional andor physical. Many men are so happy with the benefits they reap from this supplement that they also take it prior to exercise.
Testosterone supplements are also good for promoting energy as well as enhancing vascular health. The good news, as always, is that at Great Earth Vitamins they have products that combine many of these properties in one tablet or capsule. That way men don’t have to buy 10 different things. Another thing that is also in many of these products is yohimbe bark. Although yohimbe bark can be very effective, after continuous use it can elevate blood pressure in some men; that’s why it may not be for everyone. That’s also why many of these supplements are available separately.
Finally, a favorite is royal jelly. Royal jelly is the milky secretion emitted from the pharyngeal glands of the queen bee. Encompassed in this secretion is an overwhelming array of amino acids, hormones, enzymes, probiotics and so much more. Possibly the greatest super food of all time.
Royal jelly comes in softgels or containers that you can scoop it from and eat it just like ice cream. The most popular royal jelly products are the ones that also have pollen and propolis in them. The pollen is your main source of B-complex vitamins, particularly pantothenic acid (B-5). Propolis is your main source of antioxidants and immune boosters. As superfoods, these products are useful for a variety of issues, including specifically for masculine support.
Fight the flaccid with food! Thanks to Food Fight Radio.